Coronavirus impact
on the UX industry

Useful, inspirational
knowledge in 1 hour

24 June 2020, 16:00, Live-streamed video

Talks Talks
Why should I join
the event?

The startup scene in Europe offers numerous events for beginners and experts in product design. But at the same time, relatively rarely can we hear about how the product design workshops actually work, which methodologies they use to create long lasting work. Ergomania aims to change this by sharing its knowledge and methodologies, with a wider audience through the Product Design Talks.


24 June 2020, 16:00

Coronavirus impact
on the UX industry

Coronavirus is a hot topic and will stay hot for a while. It affects all UXers and people who need UX. We thought that it would be important though challenging to go deeper into this topic. We want to discover that whether UX is the last thing that won’t change or if it changes where?

Coronavirus impact on the UX industry (presentation)

Coronavirus impact on the UX industry (presentation)

Dr András Rung - Founder, CEO at Ergománia

Is the renaissance of UX coming?

The coronavirus has changed our lives in many respects. We don’t know yet whether these changes will be permanent or not. But did it have any impacts on UX as well? Have our methods changed? Do we need different interfaces or even different channels? The presentation will cover these questions shortly to open up the topic for deeper discussion by the panelists.


Coronavirus impact on the UX industry (panel discussion)

Coronavirus impact on the UX industry (panel discussion)
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Kathleen Van den Keybus - Founder, UX Strategist at Uflow
Edward Croft Baker - Managing Partner at The UX Agency
Thomas Fogarasy - Managing Partner at Exalt Interactive
Hannes Robier - Chair at World Usability Congress | CEO at Youspi
Dr András Rung - Founder, CEO at Ergománia

Experienced UX leaders from all over Europe will touch the topics opened by Dr Andras Rung’s presentation. 4 different countries, 4 different views. Will they agree on everything? Or things are very different in the UK in comparison to Belgium? We will see!

24 June 2020, 16:00